Solidarietà – Fondazione Nikolaos

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The Nikolaos Foundation believes in solidarity as a form of participation for a more just world: through initiatives managed directly, in collaboration or in favor of other partners, it promotes initiatives aimed at improving the local community, awareness campaigns on the themes of reception and adoption at a distance, in addition to educational projects, social assistance, training, sports and recreation.

In this direction, the Foundation collaborates in various solidarity projects – including Mani Unite per il Congo, an initiative aimed at carrying out schooling and construction projects for the Congolese orphanage “Alama Ya Kitumaini”, located in the South-Kivu region of the Central African nation.

In the same vein, Doctors with Campers are developed, which every year offers support and social-health assistance to all those who live in poverty and marginalization, such as Roma in unauthorized settlements, foreigners and victims of caporalato.

Also important are the Bathing for all and Orthotherapy initiatives, which are intended to offer assistance to all those affected by disabilities, through the learning of new skills that allow the integration of disabled people within the community.

Our initiatives